In 1969, inclusivity meant not just finding a pair of jeans that fit Don’s 6’4 frame, but creating a retail experience for all. 

It meant Doris having the same equity stake in the company as her husband, back when most women weren’t expected in the building, let alone the board room. It meant standing up for LGBTQ+ rights decades before the world woke up to it. Or insisting on color palettes that work for the true breadth of skin tones, and on size positivity that celebrates more human dimensions. And working to ensure the people who make our clothes are empowered to raise their voice and be included in conversations about their positions, their conditions, and their careers. 

We believe that when you decide that inclusion isn’t optional, not only do the gaps between us close, but a whole new world of possibilities opens. This simple idea – that we all deserve to belong, and on our own terms – is core to who we are as a company and how we make decisions.

Our Commitments

We believe passionately in the power fashion has in advancing social justice. Our annual ESG report represents our commitment to transparency and driving meaningful dialogue across the industry. Sharing stories builds empathy, disrupts harmful rhetoric, and turns statistics and headlines into real people. This is what drives impact.

Our People Data

We can’t succeed without the exceptional people who make our company what it is today. To understand where we have room to improve, we're measuring our progress. Learn more about Gap Inc.’s global gender and U.S. racial and ethnic representation data in our annual ESG report.

Equality & Belonging Groups

Fostering an inclusive culture where employees feel a deep sense of belonging and community has been our priority since the formation of our first Equality & Belonging Group (EBG) in 1999. Our EBGs play a pivotal role in advancing our Create for All, with All commitments.  We continue to invest in the evolution and growth of these groups to grow our community of allies, cultivate meaningful employee experiences, and amplify diverse voices to better inform our business practices and decisions.

Inclusive Hiring & Leadership Trainings

We believe that the best hiring decisions are made by empowering leaders to embrace and fairly assess the wide range of experiences and perspectives candidates bring. Meanwhile, we know that leaders of others can champion inclusivity by cultivating a trusting environment and demonstrating a growth mindset. With this in mind, we provide training courses on both hiring and leading inclusively for all people managers at Gap Inc.

Learn more by visiting our Environmental, Social & Governance Resources page and viewing our annual ESG Report.