An Update On Our Progress
We believe passionately in the power fashion has in creating greater social justice. Our annual ESG report represents our unwavering commitment to transparency and driving meaningful dialogue across the industry. Sharing stories builds empathy, disrupts harmful rhetoric, and turns statistics and headlines into real people. This is what drives tangible change and improved outcomes.
Looking back to 2020, we stood as one as the depth of systemic racism in our society was unearthed once again. Many companies, like Gap Inc., acted quickly and with intention to eliminate discrimination and harassment inside and outside of our business. But, it was crucial that these commitments weren’t a knee-jerk reaction, but evidence that the fashion industry – with all its financial strength and influence – was intent on tackling inequality in all forms. Although there is much to do, progress is being made.
Reflecting on the last year, we remain positive that our commitments are the foundation for a more sustainable way of working. We acknowledge tackling the root causes of inequity is a long, committed journey, but we’re excited to see our work bear fruit this year. We know that diversity and inclusion must remain fundamental to everything we do and be met with increased speed, efficiency, and accountability. We are optimistic that change is on the horizon.