Our Approach
We partner with the facilities where our products are made to help them become preferred employers in the communities where they operate. This supports workers and benefits business by driving higher retention and improved productivity.
To cultivate long-term, close relationships that allow us to create greater change together, we work with strategic suppliers with whom we develop shared sustainability goals. Since 2016, we have disclosed our factory list, which we update twice a year and can be found in our ESG Resources.
We have a three-pronged approach to capability-building:
1. Supplier engagement: We train our Tier 1 suppliers on social and environmental issues and our COVC on an ongoing basis and use our Mill Sustainability Program to measure the performance of our Tier 2 mills. We also engage many suppliers through industry-leading programs such as P.A.C.E. (Personal Advancement Career Enhancement) as well as Gap Inc.-led capability-building and resource efficiency programs. To help our suppliers make strategic investments in their employees and business operations, we have increased their access to data and analysis from our Assessment and Remediation process.
2. Industry collaboration: As a signatory to the Social and Labor Convergency Program (SLCP), we encourage the wider adoption of the SLCP tool, which helps assess the social and labor performance of manufacturing facilities while reducing the duplication of industry efforts by sharing resources and supporting continuous improvement.
As a founding member of the ILO Better Work program, we helped establish the Better Work Academy, which moves beyond an “assessment-only” approach to facility monitoring by helping empower facilities to make improvements themselves, with brands serving as advisers and partners. Together with Better Work, we also developed our Workplace Cooperation Program (WCP), Supervisory Skills Training (SST), and Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response programs (see below).
We also engage in several industry collaborations to support our goals to enrich communities through water stewardship, climate action, chemicals management, sustainable raw materials, circularity and waste-reduction.
3. Innovation: Our Workforce Engagement Program (WEP) mobile tools support all of our capability-building programs. The mobile technology allows our suppliers to deliver important information and training, and it also provides a platform for workers to raise grievances and share their feedback with facilities.