We believe in the democracy of style and service

Imagine that the world runs right and there’s a place that offers clothing for the whole family and everything it sells has great style and quality at a price you can’t believe. This is Old Navy.

Old Navy opened its first store in Colma, California on March 19,1994.

Carrie Donovan and Magic the Dog


From day one, Old Navy was a revolution. We were something the world had never seen—fabulous, affordable fashion for everyone. We opened our first store in 1994 and were the fastest retailer to reach $1 billion in sales within four years. Today, we're one of the largest apparel brands in the world.

take a walk down memory lane

Employee Helping Smiling Next to Youth


At Old Navy, we’re on a mission to ensure the world runs right by creating a better tomorrow for future generations through our Imagine Mission’s three pillars: inclusivity, opportunity and sustainability.

Old Navy is imagining a place where everyone feels like they belong, and all the clothes are made with love, not just for Mother Earth, but for our kids, and their kids too. That opportunity isn’t a dream but a reality. Learners become leaders, and those leaders...well, they change the world.


Old Navy Employees Gathering Together


Forget what you know about old-school industry rules. When you work at Old Navy, you’re choosing a different path. From day one, we’ve been on a mission to democratize fashion and make shopping fun again. To bring incredible style and quality to everyone. It’s a bold idea. If you’re into that, we want to know more about you.

browse open opportunities at old navy